YEN TING CHO Studio launched its first ceramic artworks at Maison & Objet Paris, the world-leading show for interiors, during Paris Design Week in September 2022. The ceramics feature our signature patterns in two very limited editions, Wave Spectrum (four pieces) and Flower Clusters (eight pieces). Both editions are inspired by the natural world and are full of movement and colour. For this new series, we worked in collaboration with leading London-based surface design and print studio, Smith&Brown. The designs were transferred onto bone china coups using Smith&Brown’s cutting-edge digital print technology, which perfectly reproduces the intricate detail and vibrant colourways of our patterns.

2022 年 9 月巴黎設計週期間,YEN TING CHO Studio 在世界頂級家飾展 Maison & Objet Paris 上推出了品牌首款陶瓷藝術品。這些陶瓷作品以我們獨特的標誌性圖案為特色,並以兩個限量系列率先亮相:〈波譜〉(Wave Spectrum ,四件套)和 〈百花綻放〉( Flower Clusters,八件套),圖案之設計靈感皆源於自然世界,充滿動態美感和繽紛色彩,並與倫敦最頂尖的陶瓷印刷設計工作室Smith&Brown合作,採用其最先進的數位印刷技術,將我們的設計精準轉移到高質感骨瓷上,完美呈現YEN TING CHO圖案中複雜精緻的細節和豐富鮮豔的色彩。


'Flower Clusters’ (2022) is a ceramic wall installation
comprising eight ceramic (bone china) coupes with
on-glaze transfer (fired at 1030 degree Celsius). The pattern is inspired by fantastical flowers, with their gradient colours merging boldly and intensively.

磁藝術品〈百花綻放〉(2022) 由八個骨瓷盤組成,採釉上彩技法在攝氏1030度下燒製而成。此八件套藝術品的圖案靈感源於幻想中的花海,漸變的繽紛色彩大膽而濃烈地相互交織,盛放為一幅奇幻勝境。

版本| Edition:
Edn. 5

尺寸| Size:
55 x 111 cm

材料| Material:
Bone china with on-glaze transfer