DANCING DUO blue| 雙人舞

Dancing Duo Blue (2023) is a small tabletop sculptural pairing cast in steel with a printed UV pattern and polished steel base. The smooth rhythm of the pattern flows between two organic shapes, like a graceful and passionate dancing couple.

鋼鑄桌面雕塑品〈雙人舞〉(2023) 由成對的結構,以及帶有拋光的鋼材底座組成,作品表面具有動態的圖案以UV技術印刷,流暢的韻律感在兩個有機形體間流轉,猶如一對翩翩起舞的情侶,姿態優雅又充滿熱情。

版本 Edition:
Edn. 5

尺寸 Size:
30.5 x 15.5 x 20.8 cm

材料 Material:
Ink, stainless steel, copper pipe, acrylic