'Pump' (2021) is a wall sculpture fabricated using CNC carving on wood.

In this work, the layered rings are concentric circles in various positions. The circles draw the eye towards the centre, aiming to produce a feeling of peace and calm. At the same time, the ring structure enables the patterns to interact with each other, creating an ambiguous overall image with a sense of vitality.

雕塑品〈震〉(2021) 以不同分層的同心圓組成環形結構,將視線引向圓心,營造出平和寧靜的空間氛圍。同時,環環相扣層層律動的結構促使充滿動態感的圖案能夠巧妙地相互交融,打造曖昧又充滿活力的整體形象。

版本 Edition:

尺寸 Size:
97 x 97 x 23.5 cm

材料 Material:
Ink, wood