Dancing Door Gods (2021) is a performance piece that was created for the National Universiade's opening ceremony that took place in Tainan, Taiwan. Tainan is an ancient city with a very long and rich history and folk heritage. Taking inspiration from the temples of Tainan, where the Universiade was being held, we drew on the iconography of temple Door Gods as the main visual for the work. Using mov.i.see to rearrange the colour information as the story visualization, Dancing Door Gods combines parametric modeling and interpreted images of Door Gods, as well as a professionally choreographed performance, to generate an artwork that not only integrates local culture, but also expresses the power and beauty of sports through technology and artistic experimentation. Dancing Door Gods invites the audience to celebrate both sport and local history heritage at an important national event.
《舞門神》是為2021年在臺南舉行的全國大專校院運動會開幕儀式製作的數位動態影像藝術作品,旨在以新型態的表演藝術呈現人類奮鬥精神與在地文化的融合。為強調2021年全大運於臺南舉辦,因此決定以在地豐富的廟宇文化為主題,選擇使用門神圖案進行創作,並以科技為媒介,運用mov.i.see 對道教廟宇入口處的門神圖像進行資訊的重新排列轉化其既定印象,讓屬於過去的傳統文化能夠以全新的面貌進入新的場域,在新世代運動員齊聚一堂的場合中,藉由新型態的表演藝術展現屬於台南的文化特色,歡慶一年一度的國家級體育賽事。
Awards | 2022 Muse Creative Awards Silver