This series of works was produced for the 2022 Matsu Biennial. The Matsu Islands are a series of scattered islands and inlets with an ancient landscapes and geology, a long history of immigration and a special geographical position to the north-west of Taiwan. 

Using fabrics as a form of artistic expression, we took inspiration from the low temperatures and strong winds of Matsu in autumn and winter. We designed two sets of patterns to reinterpret Matsu’s local culture, battlefield history, and natural and cultural landscapes. The patterns reflect the traditional image of Matsu, and also capture the vitality of the islands, presenting them with a fresh aesthetic for local residents and younger generations.

To explore the different aspects of Matsu, we organized images of different landscapes, textures, angles, colors, and spaces within a mood board, attempting to find local characteristics within the environment. Then, using the software mov.i.see, the images were reconfigured, allowing us to explore and present Matsu in an abstract way.

馬祖系列的兩款織品作品 --「四季馬祖」和「霧起馬祖」乃受2022年第一屆馬祖國際藝術島之邀所設計。


「四季馬祖」和「霧起馬祖」的設計過程非從大眾對馬祖的既定印象出發,而是由moodboard方式彙整所蒐集的馬祖萬象,將圖像資訊依照各文化地景元素、紋理質地及色彩主題分類,並嘗試將不同類別元素相互碰撞。接著,透過自行開發的軟體 mov.i.see進同案轉譯,以抽象的方式探索、呈現馬祖的島嶼特色,最終完成兩個不同調性元素的作品。
